Monthly Giving Donation

from $10.00 every month

I'm thrilled to introduce you to our Monthly Giving Program for Zephyr Mountain Farm Sanctuary! By hopping on board with this, you're not just making a donation; you're becoming a part of our extended family. Here's the real deal on what your kindness can do:

Your monthly gift would go straight to daily care stuff like food, medical treatments, and shelter upkeep for our rescued farm animals. Think of it like you're buying the goats, pigs, and chickens a monthly subscription to a happier life.

Besides that, you'd be helping us plan for the future, maybe even expand the sanctuary or kick-start educational programs about animal welfare. We want to show the world how incredible these critters are and, trust me, your monthly support is the backbone of making that happen.

So, want to be a lifeline for these awesome animals and help us spread the love? Just click on that "Donate now" button to get started. You'll get regular updates, cute animal pics, and a real sense of connection to the good you're doing. 🐐🐖🐔

Thanks for considering it. You rock!


Just so you know, Zephyr Mountain Farm Sanctuary Inc has 501c3 status. This means when you generously donate, you can write off those contributions on your taxes. It's a win-win, you get to support a great cause and save a bit on taxes too!

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